Men's Life Coaching

Coaching Can Help:

  • Recognizing core values that will give clarity and vision for your life.
  • Restore the strength of your God-given virtues.
  • Helping men understand and live their true identity and God given purpose.
  • Anchored to the Truth that the Holy Spirit wrote on your soul
  • Move from a vigilant life to a abundant life ( John 10:10)
  • Unlock joy and clarity of authentic, healthy intimacy.

Tim has over 25 years of coaching experience with over 15 years of pastoral ministry at Mariners Church. His heart is to see men transformed and empowered for Jesus so they can thrive in their marriages, parenting, workplaces, and everyday life.

Our Life Coaching is tailored to help men thrive and live life to the full. “Jesus said, ‘I come to give life and life to the full,’ and our hope is to help coach men to ignite the abundant vibrant life God intended for them. We help men create goals and core values to help unlock authenticity and meaning that aligns with their God-given purpose.

I’ve had 3 different therapists over the last 25 years. I’m 44 years old. Therapy was great to vent frustrations and get encouraged but the hardships of life, marriage, parenting, and business always stayed the same and as such my approach to handling these life challenges seemed to stay the same. Push harder, work harder and hope that I can outwork my issues. My prayer, my wife and parents’ prayer for more meaningful life help was finally answered through a coaching relationship with Tim. How we connected seemed random but in hindsight was an act of God, a blessing. Life coaching is very different from therapy.

Tim stepped alongside me as I battled addiction, past traumas, and parenting pre-teen twins. Tim pushed me to identify some of my God-given virtues and guided me towards understanding God’s purpose for my life which, through the power of the holy spirit, made quitting my vises seem obvious and simple. This clarity of God’s word through a coaching relationship made sobriety the obvious choice for my life. He has helped me understand what sanctification as God’s child means. That the hardships and hard work is not meaningless, and that God has plans for me and the life that he has created for me has a present and eternal purpose.

It was difficult to pinpoint my own virtues because when I looked in the mirror, I did not see God’s creation. I saw a failure. I saw an angry resentful man that was drudging through life hoping for breaks. I lost 70lbs but when I fixed my health, I still wasn’t fulfilled. When money ceased to be an issue, I still wasn’t fulfilled. Tim offered me unconditional friendship and modeled what I believe is my purpose for me in relationship with Jesus and my family and my friends.

My coaching relationship with Tim has become a friendship with a person that I know has my back and will give me biblical coaching so I can do the same for my family and friends. I’m sober. I’m in the sanctification process and I am grateful for Tim’s influence, guidance, patience, brutal honesty, and friendship. Life’s still hard, but I don’t have to wing it. I have a dude’s dude that cares about me and how my life is and can, in a kind way, hit me with God’s truth.
